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Hurricane Activity  Forecasting and Predictions


Mankind has always been fascinated by the forces of nature and rightly so.  Afterall everything on this planet is integrated and what goes on above and below the surface of the earth affects all life forms.  Studying weather patterns and making predictions on what storms may come our way is an inexact science to say the least.  Experts in the field of predicting hurricane activity are able to monitor the developement of systmes that may lead to the formation of cyclones and hurricanes.  Weather forecasters, climatologists and meteorologists compile data and try to give fair warnings of impending disasters.


The more advance notice we have of a storm approaching the more time we have to get out of harms way.  Since 2004 I have been observing the hurricane season and watching the activity in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans with keen interest.  While other organizations compile data and analize the information and then issue alerts on potential life-threatening storm systems, I look at the info being gathered and also make my predictions.  At times I find that I am sensing what will happen next before others state it publicly.


For the 2014 North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Tropical Hurricane Season I plan to keep the public informed through this site as to what is brewing on the high seas and to add my predictions and forecasts alongside with advisories and updates issued by NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, the National Hurricane Center as well as from other sources.


In 2013 I kept a journal of all insight received for the Atlantic and Pacific basins starting from July 18, 2013.  For an account of the insights given into last year's hurricane season click on the button labelled 2013 Past-Predictions

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