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2 parts MANUEL & 1 part INGRID


On Wednesday September 11, 2013 in the evening at sunset time I saw a scene in the sky and realized that the main event for the 2013 North Atlantic hurricane season was about to get underway.




























   To see the timeline of events including insight, observations, advance notice and how and when

    the events played out, click on the Mexican Mix Timeline link below and a pdf file will be shown.


                                                           pdf file  Timeline

exerpt from my journal for 2013


Then in the early morning hours of September 13th I had a dream:


I was playing hockey with some people but I was the star and others were practising.  About half a dozen formed a tight semi-cirlce and I threw the puck in front of them.  They kind of poked at it with their sticks but it wasn't thrown at me, it just moved around a bit.  At one point I took a weak shot and it went between them all and into the net.  Again they were playing with it, poking at it and then I took my stick and this time flipped it over behind them all and scored again.  The semi-circle represents the Mexican gulf coast side and I, as the star, am the tropical storm, scoring on them indicating makeing a hit along the Gulf side.  Then when I flip the puck up and over and now score from behind them represents the strom that's going to hit them from the other side.  The puck in front of the players is Tropical Depression 10 and the puck, when behind them, is the low that is currently shaping up on the Pacific side.  You will see this all play out very soon.


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