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This image, like the one I saw just before Amanda was born, led me to believe...

...that Marie will be a big storm.  I end up calling her Queen Marie and she becoming just that, the frist Category 5 Hurricane in this basin in four years.

Category 5 Hurricane Marie on August 24 at 2030 UTC
Tropical Depression
Thirteen-E forms off the Mexican coast August 21


Personal Insights



in California the swells are big so 'hang ten.'  But the large swells also cause some minor damage.

Marie is the thirteenth cyclone of the eastern North Pacific and the eighth hurricane of the season


image of Category 2 Hurricane Marie taken from the International Space Station on August 26, 2014

Marie makes headlines

On August 21 just past 3 pm I see another large cloud formation rising a sense from it that the next cyclone to form in the Pacific is going to be a big system again.  After watching it for a few minutes and looking at it again in the evening I realize that Marie is going to let nothing get in her way to becoming another giant storm.  So I open a file on her and call her Marie - the Mexican Queen.  Once again I don't pick up on anything significant to happen in regards to this new giant coming on board so i determine it will have minimal affect to land and life.


That being said I felt bad for Socorro Island.  This small island lying abour 600 km west of Mexico is being inundated with so many storms this season and looks like Marie is also planning on visiting it.

TD-13 forms August 21 at 2000 hrs PDT about 315 miles south of Acapulco, Mexico.  The clouds associated with this system covers a wide area and NOAA states that they expect it to become a hurricane within 48 hours.  On August 23 by 0200 hrs PDT Marie becomes the eighth hurricane of the season.  NOAA notes its strong characteristics and they forecast it to become a Major Hurricane the following day. 

24 hours later on August 24 at 0200 hrs Marie is not only a major but a Category 4 Hurricane.  Then 12 hours later she becomes a Category 5 Hurricane with sustained winds of 160 mph.  Marie remains a Major Hurricane until the early morning hours of August 26 when she finally becomes a Category 2.

Due to her size and strength, Marie causes large swells along the California coasts in both the United States and Mexico.


Marie's size impressed a lot of people and fortunately it stayed far enough out at sea the entire time.  Nature World News reports the life and death of Marie

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